Michelle D. Wallis

Call 559-713-6363

What Are the Minimum and Maximum Penalties for a DUI in California?

lawyerMore than 1.4 million people in the United States are arrested each year for a first DUI offense. Unfortunately, the consequences following a first offense are not always enough to deter a drunk driver from committing a second or even third offense.

It goes without saying that driving while under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous to you, everyone else in your car, and everyone on the road. However, even if no one is killed or injured, DUI consequences in California are incredibly serious. Hiring a lawyer to represent you is essential.

What are the minimum pentalties for a DUI misdemeanor first conviction?

    1. A $390 fine in addition to $1,000 in penalty assessments
    1. A 48 hour jail sentence or a 90-day license restriction during which you can only drive to and from work and to and from an alcohol treatment program
  1. Completion of a three-month long alcohol treatment program that costs $500

What are the maximum pentalties for a DUI misdemeanor first conviction?

    1. A $1,000 fine plus $2,600 in penalty assessments
    1. Up to six months imprisonment and a six-month license suspension
    1. Your vehicle will be impounded for 30 days
  1. You are required to attach an $800 breath device to your car that will not allow your car to start if alcohol is detected.

What are the minimum pentalties for a DUI misdemeanor second conviction?

    1. A $390 fine plus penalty assessments, which will add up to around $1,800
    1. As many as 10 days in jail
    1. Completion of an 18-month alcohol treatment program at the cost of $1,800
  1. Installation of a breath device to your car

What are the maximum pentalties for a DUI misdemeanor second conviction?

    1. Approximately $3,000 in fines and penalty assessments
    1. One year in jail
    1. Impoundment of your vehicle for 30 days
    1. License suspension of two years
  1. Installation of a breath device to your car

If you or a friend or relative is arrested for driving under the influence, you will need to contact a drunk driving attorney. If you are not sure how to choose an attorney, check online for local attorneys who are experienced in DUI cases. In this unfortunate situation, hiring a lawyer is the best thing you can do.