Michelle D. Wallis

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FAQ About Probation in California

local attorneysIn the state of California, probation is a type of supervisory sentence that may be imposed in the place of — or in addition to — jail time. During 2012, an estimated 4.1 million people moved onto or off of probation, and by the end of the year, approximately 4,781,300 adults were under community supervision. As many as 68% of probationers completed their term or were discharged early.

If you have been convicted of a crime and have been offered probation, you may have some questions. Below you will find a list of commonly asked questions about probation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Probation

    1. What is the difference between formal and informal probation in California?
      Formal probation requires that you register with the Adult Probation Department in your county. You will be assigned a probation officer who will supervise you throughout the duration of your probation period. Informal or court probation does not require you to undergo supervision. You must simply obey all laws during the term of probation.
    1. What is the difference between ISS and ESS?
      ISS stands for “imposition of sentence suspended” while ESS stands for “execution of sentence suspended.” If you are offered ISS and probation, it means that there will be no sentence imposed until there is a violation of the probation terms. ESS means that you have been sentenced; a violation of probation will require you to serve the original sentence.
    1. Do I have to accept the probation terms?
      You have the right to serve your sentence instead of agreeing to the sometimes severe demands of being on probation. For instance, DUI consequences might include credit for time served but require oppressive and burdensome terms of probation. Rather than conforming to these terms, you could serve a couple of weeks in jail and get it all over with quickly. Sometimes doing a short jail term is easier than years of probation.
  1. What do I do if I violate my probation?
    If you have been charged with a probation violation, it is important that you find an attorney immediately. Look online for local attorneys who specialize in probation violation. Finding a lawyer in Lemoore, CA is easy. Contact The Law Office of Michelle D. Wallis today.

If you have any additional questions regarding probation, how to choose a criminal lawyer, or how to find qualified local attorneys, feel free to post in the comments section below.